Workshops & Seminars

Professional workshops and seminars are available for public and private schools, school districts, non-profit organizations, churches, classroom and private music educators. Workshops are custom designed to meet the needs of each requesting group or organization. Attendees may receive Continuing Professional Unit Credit through the TEA. Workshops may be scheduled as a 90-minute presentation or a half or full day In-Service for Administrators, Special Education and Music Professionals. Select topics may be presented virtually using a Zoom format, but in-person, interactive presentations are highly recommended, if at all possible. Many topics are available, including, but not limited to the following:

1. The Importance of In-person Music instruction for Students with Disabilities in a Post-COVID19 Environment
2. How Music Improves Brain Function
3. How Music Transforms the Quality of Life
4. The Differences between Music Therapy and Adaptive Music Education
5. Why the Magic of Music Should be a Central Part to the Planning of Your Child’s I.E.P. Through the School Years from 3 to 22
6. Teaching Ideas and Solutions through Music for Students with Special Needs and Diverse Learning Styles
5. Adaptive Music Education and Music Therapy for Students with Disabilities
6. How Music Transforms the Quality of Life
7. Recognizing the Potential of the Quirky, Talented Student who May Have High-Functioning Autism
8. Strategies for the Inclusion of the Student with ASD in the Music Classroom
9. The Role of Music in the Life of the Blind Student
10. The Role of the Private Music Teacher in the Life of the Student with Epilepsy
11. How Deaf People Experience Music
12. Neurologic Music Therapy
13. Relationships between Special Education, Music and the Brain
14. The Sound and Color of the Musical Brain
15. The Musical Brain – More Amazing than the most Complex Computer ~ The Musical Brain Provides All the Tools We Need to Learn Facts and Figures, to Develop Fine and Gross Motor Skills, to Improve Visual & Aural skills, to Build Memory Skills
16. Using Music (1) as a Tool to Help Identify Your Child’s Learning Style and (2) as a Key
Element in Supporting Communication at Home and in the Classroom

Will You Donate?

We largely rely on individuals gifts from generous donors. Are you willing to help make some dreams just a little bit brighter?

P.O. Box 761236 | San Antonio, TX 78245 | Phone: 210.771.5809 |