Hi, I’m Mary Kathryn Archuleta, CEO of Dreams Fulfilled Through Music. As we approach the 20th Anniversary of our founding, we look forward to many new and exciting events and programs in the coming year.

DFTM is a pioneer in the development of creative teaching for students with all types of challenges. Emphasis is on the use of adaptive methods to meet the individual needs of students with any special need or disABILITY. We’ve provided over 1,000 students with music lessons since 2005, which have enabled them to be more creative as well as helped them develop vast improvements in problem solving and social skills.

In addition to serving over 40 private students weekly, we are providing Adaptive Music Education Classes at area DayHab (ISS) Centers for adult students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities who would otherwise have no opportunity to participate in any type of music program taught by professional specialists and Music Therapists.

A donation in any amount is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Mary Kathryn Archuleta

P.O. Box 761236 | San Antonio, TX 78245 | Phone: 210.771.5809 | info@dftm.org